Privacy Policy
YR Capital Management, Inc. Privacy Policy
Last Updated: July 1, 2024


Your privacy is important to us and YR Capital Management, Inc. respects and values your privacy. This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes how YR Capital Management, Inc. use, share, and protect your Personal Information. This Policy applies to our customers, employees, and any other individual from whom we collect Personal Information when you interact with us online through our website or mobile applications (“Site” or “Website”).

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how YR Capital Management, Inc. use and disclose the Personal Information we collect from or about you when you:
• Use the YR Capital Management, Inc. website ( or any other websites, blogs or pages that link to this Privacy Policy (together, the "Sites");
• Communicate with us electronically, such as via email;
• and Interact with us offline, including in person, at an event or via phone.

Before submitting Personal Information to us or using the Sites, please review this Privacy Policy carefully.

The term “Personal Information” means information that alone or when in combination with other information may be used to readily identify, contact, or locate you, such as: name, address, social security number, email address, financial account number, or phone number.

In addition, YR Capital Management, Inc. adheres to the following privacy principles:
• We do not sell your Personal Information;
• We do not allow those who are doing business on our behalf (i.e., our service providers) to use your Personal Information for their own marketing purposes;
• If it is necessary to enter into an appropriate agreement and transfer your Personal Information, we require any such person or entity to protect your Personal Information;
• We may share your Personal Information and permit others to use your Personal Information only if: you consent; it is necessary to originate a service or a transaction you request; it is necessary to facilitate job applicant and employment processes at YR Capital Management, Inc.; or it is otherwise permitted by law;
• We handle Personal Information about former and prospective customers and noncustomers the same as existing customers;
• We handle Personal Information about Citizens former and prospective employees the same as existing employees.

If we change our privacy practices set forth in this Policy, we will make updates to this Policy and will provide additional notification to you, where required by law.

How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

"Personal Information" is information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you, such as your name, email address, IP address, telephone number, and broader categories of information such as your professional, educational information, commercial information and internet activity.

We may collect Personal Information directly from you and automatically through our use of cookies and other data collection technologies on our Sites. We may also collect your Personal Information from third-party sources, such as social media platforms (if you interact with us through your social media account), references you list on applications and forms, and third parties to whom you direct us to collect your Personal information. We will treat Personal Information collected from third-party sources in accordance with this Privacy Policy but we are not responsible or liable for the accuracy of the information provided by third parties or for the third-party policies or practices.

The categories of Personal Information that we collect from you depend on your interactions with us. For example, we may collect:
• Direct Identifiers, such as your name, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, IP address, online identifiers, account names, associated passwords, social media profiles and other similar identifiers.
• Professional and Employment-Related Information, such as information about your current and former employment, professional degrees and certifications, education background, information about references you list on your application form, certain some Direct Identifiers (in order to contact you), and other employment-related information, including your employment goals and objectives. We may collect this information to process and manage your profile when you submit an employment or other application to us.
• Commercial Information, such as products and services purchased from us through the use of our Sites. We may collect this information to conduct business analytics and improve our services to you.
• Internet Activity Information, such as your browsing history, search history, which pages you visit on the Sites, other pages you visit on the Internet, and which browser you used to view the Sites. Please review the “Cookies and Other Technologies” section to learn more about our use of cookies and tracking technologies. We may collect this information to understand your use of the Sites and of your Account.

How We Disclose Your Personal Information

We may share your Personal Information in the following circumstances:
• We may share your Personal Information with companies or individuals that we contract with in order to investments and other goals and services. These goals and services may include, among other things, providing products or services to you on our behalf, creating or maintaining our databases, payment processing, researching and analyzing the people who provides information, preparing distribution communications, responding to inquiries, or processing applications.
• We may share your Personal Information with companies or individuals outside of YR Capital Management, Inc. who may use your Personal Information for their own purposes (a “Third Party”). For example, to achieve the goals for which our organization was created, including investing in and working with start-ups and other projects.
• From time to time, we may be required to provide Personal Information to a Third Party in response to a court order, subpoena, government investigation, or as otherwise required by law or legal process.
• We may share your Personal Information with Third Parties, such as law enforcement agencies, other government agencies, or health authorities (i) when we, in good faith, believe you or others are acting unlawfully, (ii) when we believe it is necessary or appropriate to satisfy any law, regulation or other governmental request, (iii) to operate our business and Sites properly, (iv) to protect or defend our rights or the rights or well-being of our users, even without a subpoena, warrant or court order.
• We may, as a result of a sale, merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of assets, reorganization or liquidation of our company (a "Reorganization Event"), transfer or assign your Personal Information to parties involved in the Reorganization Event. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and are permitted by and subject to this Privacy Policy.

Cookies and Other Technologies

We may use "cookies" to keep, and sometimes track, information about you on our Sites. Cookies are small data files that are sent to your browser or related software from a Web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. Cookies track where you travel on the Sites and what you look at. In doing so, a cookie may enable us to relate your use of the Sites to your Personal Information. Many other websites use cookies for very similar purposes.

Most Web browsers can be set to inform you when a cookie has been sent to you and provide you with the opportunity to refuse that cookie. Additionally, your Flash player can be set to reject or delete Flash cookies. Refusing a cookie will generally not interfere with your use of the Sites. However, refusal of a cookie may, in some cases, preclude you from using or negatively impact the display or function of the Sites or certain areas or features of the Sites.

We may also use web beacons (a.k.a. clear GIFs, web bugs or pixel tags) to personalize your experience on the Sites, to generate information about Site traffic and trends, and to verify your viewing and/or receipt of communications. Web beacons collect information automatically, such as the type of browser that you use and your IP address. Web beacons may be used alone or in conjunction with cookies. When web beacons are used with cookies, they may link this information to other Personal Information that you have provided to us. Web beacons usually are not visible to you.

Third Party Analytics

We use automated devices and applications, such as Google Analytics, to evaluate usage of our Sites. We also may use other analytic means to evaluate our Sites and services. We use these tools to help us improve the Sites, performance and user experiences. These entities may use cookies and other tracking technologies to perform their services. We do not share your Personal Information with these third parties. To learn how Google Analytics collects and processes data, please visit: “How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps” located at

Limitation of Liability

The Company exercises all efforts to safeguard the security and confidentiality of your personal data; however, transmissions protected by industry standard technology and administered by humans cannot be guaranteed to be secure. The Company will not be liable for unauthorized disclosure of personal data that occurs through no fault of the Company including, but not limited to, errors in transmission, access to your account by anyone uses your user ID and password, or your failure to comply with your security obligations.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

It is our policy to post any changes we make to our Privacy Policy on this page with a notice that the Privacy Policy has been updated on the Website home page. If we make material changes to how we treat our users’ personal information, we will notify you by email to the email address specified in your account, if you register on the site and become a client, or through a notice on the Website home page. The date the Privacy Policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page.

You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date active and deliverable e-mail address for you, and for periodically visiting our Website and this Privacy Policy to check for any changes.

YR Capital Management, Inc., a Delaware corporation
Business Address: 1401 21st ST #6683 Sacramento, CA 95811
File Number: 6396757